Chakra Test

Which Chakra is Blocked?

Are you feeling unbalanced or struggling with certain aspects of your life? Take our Chakra Quiz to uncover which of your chakras may be blocked. Chakras are energy centers in the body, and when they become blocked, it can affect your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Our quiz consists of six simple questions that address different areas of your life. By answering honestly, you’ll receive valuable insights into which chakra may need attention and healing. Whether it’s the Root Chakra associated with grounding and stability, the Heart Chakra linked to love and relationships, or any other chakra, identifying the blocked energy can be the first step towards restoring balance and harmony.

Question 1: Do you often feel disconnected or ungrounded?

Yes No

Question 2: Are you experiencing difficulty in expressing your emotions?

Yes No

Question 3: Are you having trouble setting boundaries or making decisions?

Yes No

Question 4: Are you feeling a lack of self-confidence or having trouble manifesting your goals?

Yes No

Question 5: Are you finding it difficult to express love or experiencing difficulty in relationships?

Yes No

Question 6: Are you having trouble communicating your thoughts and ideas effectively?

Yes No